Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Marina's 1st swim lesson

Marina started swimming lessons the beginning of the month. She is very confident in the water and we're glad that they let her into the class. It's a 4-6 year old class and she turns 4 in August. That's her friend, Frankie -- they are doing the wall of her favorites.

Don had to work late the Tuesday of her first I had all my sidekicks. It was fun watching the class....except Paige really really really wanted to join them. She just kept sneaking closer and closer to the pool and you can see her little foot sliding towards the pool in this picture. It's hard to be the little sis and the concept of "you can do this when you are 4" is completely lost on her. Since that class we've been taking turns taking just Marina...ahhhh...nice to go without 2 year old craziness

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awww, this makes me sort of sad. Our babies have sure grown up! And Leann, this is when we met! When our babies were like 6 and 9 months old! Wow. Time sure flies, but how amazing the time has been. Miss you.