Monday, September 22, 2008

No Baloney - just oatmeal

On Saturday, I rode my 1st ever cycling century, The No Baloney Bicycle Ride! Riding a century is a significant milestome for cyclists...and it sure was for me. I rode with a pal from work, and he was kind enough to ride slow with me. As a bonus there were about 12 of his regular riding club members (The Oatmeal Roadies) on the ride. They rode with us for about 65 of the 107, then bailed out because of the rain. During that 65 miles we were able to form a little peloton, which really helped to eat up the miles. After the Oatmeal Roadies dropped off - Dan and I slugged it out ourselves occasionally riding with three other guys. Over all it was a well organized ride with plenty of food at the rest stops. Maybe a little hilly for my 1st century - but I will definitely ride it next year!!


The J's said...

Quite a ride! Great job! I also learned a bit of terminology there!

Huisman5 said...

Excellent job! And I thought my bike ride was a struggle the other night! I won't even mention its puny little amount!!!!!

Alyssa said...

Wow Donnie..did you ever think you would sign up for a bike race that long? Good for you...I'll have to have Barry check out this post. Hope you all are happy and health.

the gillis family said...

Way to go Don!!! That's awesome!